In receiving emails over the last few years and being an advocate of Equal Parenting I do get asked that question. " When do you believe Equal Parenting is not an option?'. In 80% of our society 100% true Equal Shared Parenting will work without question. In 15% there is from points where people just need parenting education and properly psychological intervention .The other 5% is what I will discuss tonight. When Equal Parenting just is not the acceptable alternative.
There are people in today's society that are far gone psychologically. They are the ones you read about in Newspapers or see on the TV news. I over the last few days have been involved in one certain case where the father that was too intoxicated and tried to as far as I can see murder the mother and unborn child. Even if his intent at the highest point of rage was to injure or maim the female still forgot their child inside awaiting to enter this world. This person with rage issues while intoxicated also has shown rage in front of their child. So if this child comes into the world how can the parents work as equal parents? This is when supervision is needed with proper authority. The thing is the aggressor can be male or female so how can this be stopped? Do we terminate parenthood , do we send them away and never think a person can change?
I look to see what possesses a person to finally snap and let that last little mouse off the wheel. Was it a build up from childhood and then the last synapse in the brain goes poof or is it that one last straw and the drug infusion in last push that last button. Do we attempt integration back into society or do we leave them as the lost souls of society?
The others that should never be allowed to enter into such agreements are perpetrators that invoke abuse and that is proven abuse not false allegations and pedophiles. They should not be allowed to be left alone in any circumstances. Never to have the right once they commit the ultimate of biblical atrocity. Maybe I sound extreme on this stance but why should anyone have the right to warp a child's mind?
I guess this should be one of the statements you need a licence to get married or drive even to have a dog or cat but not a child. Children should never have to suffer through any forms of abuse but when it becomes the difference between their sanity or life and the adult can not chose to manage their own selves within societal norms then its time not to look down the Equal Parenting path.
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